Consulting WLAN/VPN - ServicePortal - TU Dortmund

Manual Windows Installation. Download the PulseSecure VPN Client from our download area.; Start the installation of the client and follow the instructions. Configuration. Start the application. Click the +-symbol on the right side of the window to start the setup of a new connection.. Add the following parameters below "Verbindung hinzufügen":Typ: Policy Secure (UAC) oder Connect Secure (VPN) iOS - ServicePortal - TU Dortmund Type in "" as VPN Serveradresse (URL). You can choose "Verbindungsname" yourself. We recommend "TU Dortmund". Please verify the "URL" "". Tu Dortmund Vpn Web Multi-hop VPN to secure Tu Dortmund Vpn Web locations and Tor connections. P2P friendly. Tu Dortmund Vpn Web ProtonMail bundle available. Cons: Few servers and locations. Zusätzlicher VPN-Zugang für Studierende - TU Dortmund On 18 March the VPN access for students was temporarily switched off to ensure that all TU Dortmund University employees can remain in the home office. The IT & Media Center (ITMC) has been working hard over the past 14 days to provide you with a functioning VPN access again.

Die TU Dortmund speichert Verbindungsdaten, wie ihre IP Adresse sowie ihren Benutzernamen, über einen bestimmen Zeitraum zur Qualitätssicherung. Zugangs­vor­aus­set­zun­gen Weitere Informationen über die Zu­gangs­vor­aus­set­zun­gen für die Nutzung der VPN Dienste der TU Dortmund.

On 18 March the VPN access for students was temporarily switched off to ensure that all TU Dortmund University employees can remain in the home office. The IT & Media Center (ITMC) has been working hard over the past 14 days to provide you with a functioning VPN access again. Access requirements - ServicePortal - Students and employees of TU Dortmund: UniAccount Notes on the construction of UniAccount usernames of TU Dortmund Employees: One "m" and three letters of the first name as well as four letters of the last name (e. g. mmaxmust for an employee called Max Mustermann) Manual Pulse Secure - ServicePortal - TU Dortmund

Zusätzlicher VPN-Zugang für Studierende einsatzbereit / Additional VPN access for students ready for use. Das ITMC möchten Sie darüber informieren, dass Sie ab sofort wieder über einen VPN-Client auf das Netzwerk der TU Dortmund zugreifen können. Am 18.

Type in "" as VPN Serveradresse (URL). You can choose "Verbindungsname" yourself. We recommend "TU Dortmund". Please verify the "URL" "".